Long-term Effects of Whiplash

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting from an auto accident. Rear-end collisions are frequently to blame for soft tissue neck injuries caused by the violent jerking back and forth of the victim’s head. These injuries vary in severity and persistence, but if whiplash isn’t treated properly, long-term consequences could lead to a permanent disability and painful medical costs.

Serious car crashes are generally responsible for long-term effects of whiplash, but even minor injuries can result in chronic pain—if left unchecked. Although the symptom of whiplash typically presents itself within 24 hours, could you imagine living with the following chronic ailments for the rest of your life?

Utah Accident Clinic chiropractors have seen many patients walk through our doors years after experiencing Whiplash. We have seen how difficult it has been for patients to deal with it on their own. Here is a list of some of the most common long-term effects of whiplash: 

Pain and stiffness in the neck or shoulders

Neck pain is of the most common complaints, and one of the hardest to cope with especially on a daily basis.

Upper or lower back pain

Limits your range of motion and could prevent you from completing even the simplest of tasks in your daily routine after whiplash.


Another long-term effect is dizziness. Take a seat and get your bearings or you might wind up on the floor, which could certainly be dangerous.

Numbness or weakness in the arms or legs

That “pins and needles” feeling is your body’s way of saying, “Something is very wrong here!”

Blinding headaches and migraines

Headaches lead to irritability and could also be accompanied by ringing in the ears and can become long-term.

Sleep problems

Not getting enough sleep will decrease the quality of life and increase your chances of developing headaches—a double whammy!

Jaw pain

You won’t be looking forward to your next meal when it hurts to chew, and possibly even talk.

Difficulty concentrating

Nothing is more frustrating than trying to concentrate on something and not being able to do it at all.

Memory loss

It may become very difficult to remember things you did yesterday, and worse even today.

Blurred vision

If you can’t see where you’re going, you put yourself and the safety of others at risk.

Avoid the Long-Term Effects

If any of these chronic ailments sound like horrific conditions, remember that you could suffer from any number of them from whiplash. That’s why it’s crucial to see a chiropractor after an auto accident, especially if you feel any sort of whiplash symptoms whatsoever. Failure to seek treatment for the most minor of injuries could result in these awful chronic symptoms. Contact Utah Accident Clinic if you have any questions we can help you with.

Published On: December 10th, 2019 / Categories: chiropractic treatment /

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