How Regular Chiropractic Care Improves your Health

If you’ve ever bent over to pick something up off the floor and felt a “pop” in your back – followed by a flash of pain – you’ve probably wondered what just happened? You obviously didn’t do something right. But much more likely, your muscles, joints, and tendons weren’t properly aligned for the motion. Do you know who can fix that? A chiropractor at Utah Accident Clinic. Regular chiropractic care improves your health by releasing the tension, aligning joints, promoting healing, and alleviating pain.

Likewise, if you’re even remotely concerned about your overall wellbeing, you’ve probably wondered if chiropractic treatment should be a part of your regular health routine – the short answer is yes. A wealth of research has shown that regular spinal adjustments can increase your body’s performance, which in turn, promotes a healthy lifestyle full of potential.

Two Types of Pain

Generally, there are two types of neck and back pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain is episodic, meaning it occurs suddenly and may last for a specific period, usually six weeks. Acute pain has a habit of going away after a while, but chronic pain is the result of an acute injury that didn’t heal properly. Without chiropractic treatment, spinal manipulation, or worse, surgery, chronic pain may never go away.

Relief of Chronic Conditions

Neck pain is one of the most common spinal complaints and whiplash incurred during an auto accident is one of the most common causes. A study from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health showed that spinal manipulation can help alleviate acute and chronic neck pain, in addition to providing relief from upper and lower back pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis. Regular chiropractic treatments can help heal the injured tissues and keep the pain from becoming a chronic condition.

Chiropractic is More Than After-the-Fact Treatment

Additionally, chiropractic medicine helps the prevention of injury and pain by introducing the proper mechanics of motion. A chiropractor will align your spine and musculoskeletal system to achieve maximum mobility. If you’re walking around with a misaligned spine, you’re putting yourself at great risk of incurring an injury when doing something as simple as picking up a dirty sock from the laundry room floor.

Chiropractic Care Improves your HealthThe Body as One Unit

How important are your teeth to the overall enjoyment of life? You go to the dentist even when you don’t have a toothache, don’t you? Of course, regular dental upkeep is essential to protect your pearly whites. If you think of your body as the sum of its parts, you’ll quickly realize that a chiropractor is the dentist of your spine.

Chiropractic care should be a regular part of any health regime, if for no other reason than making sure that neck and back pain never become a part of your life. Contact our chiropractic clinic in Provo, UT, Utah Accident Clinic, today for a free chiropractic consultation.

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Published On: May 7th, 2020 / Categories: chiropractic treatment /

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