Is your spine misaligned? When a back injury has occurred, it’s common for us to dismiss random bouts of discomfort. And because we generally don’t think about our posture by default, we can easily go about our everyday lives with a misaligned spine and not even realize it. However, it’s important to know that a misaligned spine could lead to a wide range of health problems with a tentative relationship to your back. Utah Accident Clinic chiropractors specialize in getting you to a healthy lifestyle and helping you to reduce any back pain.    

What Are Subluxations?

Spinal misalignments are technically called subluxations and they can lead to a number of musculoskeletal issues that affect the central nervous system. This, in turn, will influence your overall well-being, in addition to leaving you vulnerable to further injury. When your spine is in proper alignment, your body isn’t working overtime to correct the imbalance. When a subluxation has occurred, your body’s mobility is compromised, very much like a bicycle with crooked handlebars. You can still ride it, but it’s an awkward and disorienting process, and is potentially dangerous.

How Do I Know If My Spine is Misaligned?

Walking around with a slight tilt to the right becomes a normal part of life and you may think, well, that’s just the way it is. But there are a number of signs that are telling you that your spine is misaligned, all you have to do is listen to them. Here are five major “unseen” signs that something is amiss with your spine:

·     Numbness or Tingling in Your Extremities

If you’re feeling pins and needles in your fingertips, it’s a very strong indicator that something is not lining up properly in your spine.

·    Chronic Headaches

As we implied earlier, the spine is the core of your central nervous system. When you start getting unexplained migraines, it’s time to see a chiropractor.

·    Uneven Wear on the Heels of Your Shoes

When your pelvis is misaligned, your hips don’t move properly, causing uneven pressure on your feet. If one heel has more wear than the other, your spine needs an adjustment.

·    Neck and Hip Stiffness

If you find it painful or difficult to turn your neck or swivel your hips, it’s almost certain that your cervical spine is out of whack.

·    You Simply Don’t Feel Well

If you keep getting sick and can never seem to fully recover, or you’re simply fatigued all the time, remember that your spine has tremendous influence over the rest of your body. Removal of a subluxation could get you on a path to feeling like yourself again.

We Are Here to Help You

Utah Accident Clinic chiropractors have seen many patients come through our doors with varying pain levels in target areas. If your spine is misaligned, we can help. We work to create specialized treatments for each of our patients and will give each an overview of what to expect with treatment. Our treatments will work to strengthen your spine, reduce inflammation, and reduce any pain you’re feeling. Call us today and visit our chiropractors to get more information on the health of your spine. 

Published On: September 18th, 2019 / Categories: chiropractic treatment /

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