Deep Tissue Massage: In-house massage therapy

After an auto accident, you may be suffering from soft tissue injuries and/or more severe pain. With a Deep Tissue Massage, combined with chiropractic treatment, you will reap the benefits that along with it. This includes,  better circulation of blood, reduced muscular tension and anxiety. Furthermore, our In-house massage therapists are proven to be beneficial to patients who have sprains, strains, and contusions. To add, you should seek medical attention right after being involved in an auto accident. Then, our chiropractors and massage therapists can get you back to feeling comfortable and reduce the chances of re-injury.

Whiplash Treatment

Above all, whiplash is one of the most common injuries following an auto accident. A common whiplash treatment is Deep Tissue Massages which reduce pain, reduce stiffness, and speed up the recovery process.


Spinal Cord Injuries

Subsequently, deep Tissue Massage is extremely beneficial to patients involved in an auto accident and has suffered a spinal cord injury. As a result, some patients with chronic spinal cord injury can begin seeing changes within a few days.

Anxiety and Stress

In addition, it is common to feel burdened with an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and stress after an auto accident. However, deep tissue massages help patients improve their blood pressure, respiration, and loosen up any muscle tension caused by stress. Our professionals will make sure you will be provided with the best treatment.

Benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage

Additionally, chiropractic treatment paired with a Deep Tissue Massage has many benefits. Not only will you have the chance to steer clear of medication and surgery, but you could start feeling the results after the very first session. Our experienced massage therapists can alleviate any pain and improve range of motion. Lastly, seek medical attention immediately after feeling any kind of pain because you will heal faster. That way, our therapists, and chiropractors can begin a specialized treatment plan to get you back on the road to recovery! Contact Utah Accident Clinic in Provo, UT to schedule an appointment.

Other services:

Utah Accident Clinic:

1774 N University Pkwy #8

Provo, UT 84604

(801) 225-4772

Published On: May 31st, 2018 / Categories: chiropractic treatment /

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