If you have been in an auto accident, you may very well be suffering physically from the impact. While the most common injury is whiplash, you may experience pain in any part of the body. Your wrists, knees, and even muscles suffer from the sudden jolt of an accident. This is why we always recommend you visit a chiropractor following a car accident. However, the insurance company may try to tell you otherwise.

Speak to Your Chiropractor First

auto accident injury

As your chiropractor clinic in Utah, it is our job to restore your health. Unfortunately, an insurance company’s job is to save as much money as possible which could leave you victimized. Especially if this is your first auto accident, they may take advantage of your situation. For this reason, always speak to your doctor and chiropractor immediately following an accident. They will offer the best advice for a treatment plan and will work with the insurance to cover the costs. A chiropractor will even work with your personal injury attorney to ensure you are properly protected. With the documentation to back it up, your attorney will be able to get you the settlement you deserve.

Common Chiropractic Treatments Your Auto Insurance Should Cover

Spinal Manipulation in Utah

Chiropractors aren’t looking to treat the symptoms of your auto accident injury. Instead, chiropractors look for the source of the problem and offer a customized treatment program. After an auto accident, the joints in your body may be misaligned causing you pain. Also, injured and weakened muscles may not be supporting your spine as they should. While adjustments should be made regularly as your body heals, they work best in conjunction with physical therapy, massage therapy, and muscle stretch therapy. We do all of those in our office to help you heal your best.

Massage Therapy in Utah

Massage therapy is another successful treatment plan for auto accident victims. It provides relief to patients who are experiencing sprains, strains, or other injuries. This therapy works by breaking up the scar tissue that has formed during the proliferative stage of an injury. While it works best for back injuries, neck injuries, and headache relief, it can be applied to all areas of the body. Better yet, it is a non-invasive, drug-free option that can you help avoid long-term pain. Combining adjustments with massage therapy increases blood flow to promote healing.

Accident Chiropractor Clinic in Utah

Utah Accident Clinic treats hundreds of auto accident victims every year. We customize a treatment plan ranging anywhere from 4-16 weeks depending on the severity of your injuries. If you’ve been injured and you need help, see us first. We will help you get back on track while working with the insurance company on your behalf. Contact our auto accident chiropractic clinic in Provo and Taylorsville, UT for more information at (801) 225-4772.

Published On: May 31st, 2019 / Categories: Accident Injury /

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