How chiropractic care can manage repetitive strains

If you have aches, strains, numbness, or burning sensations affecting your daily activities, you may be experiencing repetitive strain. When you use the same muscle and joints in a repetitive manner every day, this can cause you to have tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, or rotator cuff injuries. The longer you wait to treat the pain, the harder and longer it will be to gain back control of your daily activities. As soon as you notice any sort of repetitive strain symptoms, you can contact Utah Accident Clinic for a free consultation and we can get you back on the road to recovery.

Quality & Safe Chiropractic Care for Repetitive Strains

When you have a repetitive strain injury, the most effective and safe treatment you can receive is chiropractic care. While medication and surgery is an alternative, it comes with a handful of minor to severe symptoms and an overall longer recovery period. Our professional chiropractors have the experience to treat all repetitive strain injuries. We use adjustments to restore range of motion in the affected area and relieve the pain you’re feeling.

What to Expect

Our chiropractors will assess the repetitive strain injury and assess what may be causing the pain. We will then create a specialized treatment plan specifically for you and let you know your expected recovery time. When you come in for treatment, we will use targeted exercises and teach you some that you can also do in the comfort of your home. We ask that when you are done with sessions, you try your best to take a break from overworking that muscle or joint.

Our Chiropractor Clinic in Provo, UT is Here for You

We know it’s not always easy seeking help for a repetitive strain injury. This is why we have trained all of our Utah Accident Clinic staff to respectfully treat our clients. We have made it our mission to help you feel your best again. If you have questions before, during, or after chiropractic treatment we are here to help. We will communicate your progress with you along the way. Contact us today to manage repetitive strain injuries!

Other Chiropractic Services:


Utah Accident Clinic:

1774 N University Pkwy #8

Provo, UT 84604

(801) 225-4772

Published On: December 15th, 2018 / Categories: chiropractic treatment /

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